Mayan Curse

Component Design
3D Assets

It has been a delight collaborating with Crazy Like A Box Games on the components for their Mayan Curse game. Our mission was to craft the intricate shapes of three Mayan temple stelae, design a distinctive camera marker, and create an adventurer meeple, along with screen-print patterns for all of them. Each adventurer design has distinctive clothing as well as a special item, making it easier to tell the colors apart.

Photo of Dan and his Steeped Games Logo

“It was a pleasure working with the team at Tabletopify Design Studio. They designed some amazing-looking screen printed adventure meeples, monuments, and a camera that really captured our game's look and feel.”

Joe Slack
Crazy Like a Box

Custom Shapes & Accessibility Design

Wooden meeples are common in board games, but adding unique shapes and printing can make a huge difference in a game's presentation. Designing these shapes and prints is tricky, as it involves balancing the design with the wooden background in a simplistic way, while also ensuring accessibility for color-blind players.

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Mayan Curse

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